Hi. I’ve just added new photos from the fourth season of “The Night Shift”. For the screencaps thanks to Brendan-Fehr.Net. You can find them in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir nuevas fotos desde la cuarta temporada de “The Night Shift”. Por las capturas de pantallas gracias a Brendan-Fehr.Net. Puedes encontrarlas en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito nuove foto dalla quarta stagione di “The Night Shift”. Per gli screencaps grazie a Brendan-Fehr.Net. Potete trovarle nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter unes nouvelles photos de la quatrième saison de “The Night Shift”. Pour les screencaps merci Brendan-Fehr.Net. Vous pouvez les trouver dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).
Category: screencaps
[PHOTO GALLERY] Added screencaps from “The Night Shift” 3×13
Hi. I’ve just added screencaps from “The Night Shift” 3×13 in the Photo Gallery. Thanks to Samantha from Brendan Fehr Online.
Hola. Acabo de añadir capturas de pantalla de “The Night Shift” 3×13 en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery). Gracias a Samantha de Brendan Fehr Online.
Ciao. Ho appena inserito screencaps di “The Night Shift” 3×13 nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery). Grazie a Samantha di Brendan Fehr Online.
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter captures de “The Night Shift” 3×13 dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery). Merci à Samantha de Brendan Fehr Online.
[PHOTO GALLERY] Added screencaps from “The Night Shift” 3×10
Hi. I’ve just added screencaps from “The Night Shift” 3×10 in the Photo Gallery. Thanks to Samantha from Brendan Fehr Online.
Hola. Acabo de añadir capturas de pantalla de “The Night Shift” 3×10 en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery). Gracias a Samantha de Brendan Fehr Online.
Ciao. Ho appena inserito screencaps di “The Night Shift” 3×10 nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery). Grazie a Samantha di Brendan Fehr Online.
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter captures de “The Night Shift” 3×10 dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery). Merci à Samantha de Brendan Fehr Online.
[PHOTO GALLERY] Added screencaps from “Mercy Street” 1×02
Hi. I’ve just added screencaps from “Mercy Street” 1×02 in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir capturas de pantalla desde “Mercy Street” 1×02 en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito gli screencaps di “Mercy Street” 1×02 nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter unes captures de “Mercy Street” 1×02 dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).
[PHOTO GALLERY] Added screencaps from “Mercy Street” 1×01
Hi. I’ve just added screencaps from “Mercy Street” 1×01 in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir capturas de pantalla desde “Mercy Street” 1×01 en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito gli screencaps di “Mercy Street” 1×01 nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter unes captures de “Mercy Street” 1×01 dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).
[PHOTO GALLERY] Added screencaps from “The Night Shift” season 1 & 2
Hi. I’ve just added various screencaps from “The Night Shift” seasons 1 and 2 in the Photo Gallery. For some thanks to Samantha from Brendan Fehr Online.
Hola. Acabo de añadir capturas de pantalla de las temporadas 1 y 2 de “The Night Shift” en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery). Para algunas gracias a Samantha de Brendan Fehr Online.
Ciao. Ho appena inserito vari screencaps dalle stagioni 1 e 2 di “The Night Shift” nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery). Per alcune grazie a Samantha di Brendan Fehr Online.
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter diverses captures de las saisons 1 et 2 de “The Night Shift” dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery). Pour certains merci à Samantha de Brendan Fehr Online.
[PHOTO GALLERY] Screencaps of “The Memory Book” – part I
Hi. I’ve just added some screencaps from “The Memory Book” in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir algunas capturas de pantalla de “The Memory Book” en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito alcuni screencaps da “The Memory Book” nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter certains captures d’écran de “The Memory Book” (“Une Romance Photo”) dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).
[PHOTO GALLERY] Screencaps of “Christmas Land” – part III
Hi. I’ve just added the last screencaps from “Christmas Land” in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir las últimas capturas de pantalla de “Christmas Land” en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito gli ultimi screencaps da “Christmas Land” nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter les dernières captures d’écran de “Christmas Land” dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).
[PHOTO GALLERY] Screencaps of “Christmas Land” – part II
Hi. I’ve just added some new screencaps from “Christmas Land” in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir algunas nuevas capturas de pantalla de “Christmas Land” en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito alcuni nuovi screencaps da “Christmas Land” nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter certains nouvelles captures d’écran de “Christmas Land” dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).
[PHOTO GALLERY] Screencaps of “Christmas Land” – part I
Hi. I’ve just added some screencaps from “Christmas Land” in the Photo Gallery.
Hola. Acabo de añadir algunas capturas de pantalla de “Christmas Land” en la Galería de Fotos (Photo Gallery).
Ciao. Ho appena inserito alcuni screencaps da “Christmas Land” nella Galleria Fotografica (Photo Gallery).
Salut. Je viens d’ajouter certains captures d’écran de “Christmas Land” dans la Galerie de photos (Photo Gallery).